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主营:主营:表观遗传学相关抗体、Chip 级别抗体、重组识别子和催化酶、预甲基化修饰的重组组蛋白、多聚核小体和生物素标记核小体
当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > peptide > 活性基序/下一代DNA文库试剂盒/16 rxns/53216
商品详细活性基序/下一代DNA文库试剂盒/16 rxns/53216
活性基序/下一代DNA文库试剂盒/16 rxns/53216
活性基序/下一代DNA文库试剂盒/16 rxns/53216
商品编号: 53216
品牌: ActiveMotif
市场价: ¥11000.00
美元价: 6600.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 多肽合成
公司分类: peptide
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

The Next Gen DNA Library Kit is designed to prepare Next generation sequencing (NGS) libraries from double-stranded input DNA for use with Illumina®sequencing platforms. Libraries can be generated from as little as 10 pg of high-quality genomic DNA, ChIP DNA, FFPE DNA or cell-free DNA (cfDNA), which is 500-fold more sensitive than other library preparation kits. Additionally, libraries can be prepared from 100 ng DNA if preparing PCR-free libraries.

Schematic of MID
Schematic of a completed MID tagged and indexed DNA library molecule.

Next Gen DNA Library Kit is used in combination with the Next Gen Indexing Kit, which contains 16 unique index adapters that may be used individually, or in combination to multiplex samples together during cluster generation for co-sequencing on the same Illumina flow cell. The advantage of the Next Gen DNA Library preparation is the inclusion of molecular identifiers (MIDs) to enable accurate removal of PCR duplicates from single read sequencing. This helps to increase the number of unique alignments for more accurate data sets.

For more information please click on the Overview tab below. To download the protocol, please select the Documents tab.

Active Motif"s Next Gen DNA Library Kit and Next Gen Indexing Kit are powered by Swift Biosciences.

Swift Biosciences logo
Active Motif 公司是一家致力于研发和生产核细胞分子生物学和表观遗传学研究用试剂的专业公司,也是世界上最大的转录因子试剂生产商和 ChIP-seq 外包服务供应商。Active Motif 的产品涉及:表观遗传学相关抗体、Chip 级别抗体、重组识别子和催化酶、预甲基化修饰的重组组蛋白、多聚核小体和生物素标记核小体;以及各类染色质分析、转录因子表达调控分析和 DNA 甲基化分析的试剂盒等。不仅如此,Active Motif 还为研究者提供专业的表观遗传学服务,特别是 Chip-seq 的外包服务。公司总部位于美国加州,目前在欧洲,日本,中国设有分公司。产品销售范围覆盖全球 30 多个国家和地区。